First, let's start with Easter. We went to Glen Rose and had a nice time. Mom made an INCREDIBLE bunny cake (that did NOT have red cake inside as Shawn requested) and had a beautiful Easter basket for Hagen, complete with homemade egg-shaped cookie - expertly decorated, of course.

Mom even made the napkins on Easter Sunday into bunnies. :-)

Hagen likes Mom and Dad's cat, called Momma Cat. She is an outside cat but extremely friendly and affectionate. Hagen was talking to her behind the screen door while he was inside and she was out.

These are two pictures I took of Hagen sleeping one morning when Mocha was also still on my pillow. It's a good thing we have a king-sized bed for when ALL of us are there...gets crowded. And no, there's not much room for my head.

Hagen's school had a Presentation Day the weekend after Easter in the gym and we went back to the classroom after to see the kids participating in their favorite learning activity. Hagen's was the 100 board, where you have to put the numbers in order from 1-100. The first row is 1-10, second row is 11-20, and so forth. The numbers are on little tiles that they put on the appropriate squares. Hagen's teacher has told me that he really likes math and this is one of the activiites he is really good at and enjoys, so she put that out for him to show us. The kids each had their name on a star by their activity in the room. Doesn't Hagen look thrilled?

My vacuum-cleaning hockey player...very helpful.

Hagen was building some tracks for his Thomas trains and Mocha decided, as cats do, to lie down right smack dab on top of it when he walked away for a second.

We did a make-up skating class a couple of weeks ago on a weeknight for a missed class and Hagen got a private lesson with Miss Abbie, the teacher who was there on his very first day when he was crying and a mess (see earlier post titled "Winter Fun"). She came off the ice halfway through to tell me how amazed she was and couldn't believe that was the same little boy from just a few months ago. She is very sweet and a great teacher - she's very patient and was so great with him on that first day when he was upset. You could tell she was having fun with him in this lesson. He loves her, of course.

And, finally, my two boys watching a Penguins game recently. Daddy is nursing an injury he got when he and Hagen were playing hockey in the kitchen just moments before. Hagen slashed Daddy's foot with his stick and Daddy limped off the "ice". Hagen went and got Daddy an ice pack for his foot. It turned purple the next day.