On Friday night we went to the lighting of the Christmas tree at Allen Civic Plaza. I didn't take pictures that night but we went back the next morning to get a few pictures of the Thomas look-alike train and the big tree. It was fun Friday night, just cold!

The next day we went to visit Santa...if you remember last year's picture, this one looks pretty much exactly the same except I'm in it this time. I thought Hagen might do better if I was sitting on Santa's lap while holding him, but nope...and seriously, he did just fine in line beforehand, and waved bye-bye to Santa (just like last year), He just doesn't like sitting in Santa's lap. I thought he might do better because about a week ago he had even said he wanted to see Santa and I thought, oh, great, maybe he'll do really well this year! Oh, well. There are also pictures of the big Christmas tree and two of Santa's reindeer.

After Santa we went to the Christmas festivities at the shopping center where I work. It was REALLY fun! We went with Matt, Darby, Madi and Aly. They had carriage rides (we avoided the one with Santa), face-painting, pony rides, hot chocolate, cookies and things like that.

Here are Hagen and Madi getting painted. Hagen said he wanted a butterfly and I thought it would be on his cheek, but these are really cool face-painters and the lady painted his whole face. I wasn't sure Hagen would sit still for that, but he did and he LOVED his face painted like that! It was neat.

Hagen wanted to try the pony ride at the end of the night, but he only sat on the pony for about two seconds (with me RIGHT there with him). The pony BARELY moved and Hagen flipped out, so I quickly removed him and we didn't try again. I felt bad for the pony - I wanted to tell him (or her?), "Really, it's not you...sorry...". I felt better because another child got on the pony and was fine.

Last weekend my friends Jen, Val, Donna and Donna's son Steven got together to celebrate Val's birthday. Here she is with her "Twilight" t-shirt. Her party was pretty much "Twilight" themed. The teenage girls behind us were jealous. And there is a picture of Steven and Hagen.
Here's Hagen pooped out after our lunch out with the girls, then Shawn's hockey game.