On to happier things...here are some more shots of Hagen playing hockey, this time in his Pittsburgh Penguins jersey (a present from our friend Matt).

Pictures of Hagen and Daddy in matching Penguins jerseys. They also have matching Penn State jerseys and Red Sox jerseys (I think there are pictures of all those at some point on this site).

He very rarely actually uses this chair that's in his room, so when he was sitting in it looking at a book, I figured I should take a picture. He seems so grown-up to me...and he's not even two-and-a-half...

Some random pictures of Mocha (I have to throw these in every now and then). She likes to sit in the little circle part of the train tracks.

This is an example of what happens when Hagen watches football. He likes to imitate what the players are doing - he takes it very seriously. On Monday night, he was watching the football game with Daddy. He stood on the floor and concentrated very closely on how the players were standing, then when the ball was thrown, he would throw his little football into the kitchen, go chase it, then run back into the living room and fall down (on purpose).