Thursday, March 13, 2008

Snow and McDonald's

Here are a few pictures from the second snow day the other week. It was snowing pretty heavily when Hagen and I got home that afternoon. It was really pretty! Hagen was fascinated just watching it come down (he was standing in the garage observing) but he didn't want to touch it or be out in it. The next day he touched some of the snow that was still lingering in the flowerbeds. Who knows, maybe it will snow the day before Easter again this year! The loud noise and "uh-oh" in the video is Hagen dropping his cookie from school onto the garage floor.

These are some shots I took when we were at McDonald's for lunch last Saturday. I was going to get a highchair and Shawn suggested we just let him sit in the booth since he sits on a regular chair at the kitchen table at home (on his knees). I guess Mommy wasn't ready for that because I honestly hadn't even thought of that. So we let him sit on his own (next to Daddy) and I had to take pictures because he looked SO grown-up. Plus he was using the apple juice box and not his sippy cup which added to the grown-upness. Shawn told Hagen "I think Mommy might cry".


Carrie said...

Hagen's getting so BIG! I can't believe he's almost two--I'm going to start crying now. :)

I can't wait to see you guys!

Stephanie said...

Please don't start crying...because then I's bad enough I got misty-eyed at Mickey D's!! I'm so glad you'll get to see him soon - I can't wait to see you! By the way, he knows the Red Sox book. I asked him to get a book the other day and said "it's next to the Red Sox book" and he picked up the Sox book. I was SO proud!! Haha.

Donna said...

I *love* the flap-eared hat!!! Too cute... and he's just too adorable. I can't wait to see him, too!