The life and times of Shawn, Steph, Hagen and Brodie
This is a picture of a Froot Loop necklace Hagen made at school a couple of weeks ago. I took a picture of it because his teacher, Miss April, said he worked SO hard on it and was so proud of it. I didn't want to save it, obviously, so I wanted to take a picture since he had so much fun with it, according to her. Also, it was his first day back to school from being out sick a few days and he had a rough time that morning, so I was happy when I called to check on him and Miss April said he was having a blast making the necklace.
I wasn't sure about posting pictures of Hagen in his Halloween costume before Halloween is even here, but...well, here they are. He told me he wanted to be a football player for Halloween (big shocker, I know) so I got him the outfit yesterday. He wanted to try it on so I put it on him and he wore it the rest of the night until bathtime, then after his bath he was wearing just the helmet and his diaper. Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of that. :-) Also that night, our friend Matt and his daughter Madi came over to watch the Stars game. Well, Matt and Madi were supporting New Jersey, and seeing as how we lost to them 5-0, they're not allowed over anymore. Just kidding...I think...
Anyway, Hagen and Madi had so much fun playing together. They were playing football together, and with Hagen's tool bench, and the Retro Rocket. I took this video of them playing with the Rocket - they did this for about 10 minutes or so and it was SO funny. They had a blast. I love the age Hagen is now and that he really interacts with his friends - he and his friends play together now, not just alongside each other.
One more thing - Hagen had said the other week he wanted to be a football player for Halloween, then the other night he suddenly said he wanted to be a skeleton. I don't know where that came from, but I told him I was going to look for his Halloween costume the next day so I would see what I could find. My friend Terri from work went with me to look at costumes yesterday, and they did have a REALLY cute skeleton. I thought it might be okay because it wasn't scary-looking. I thought it was cuter than the football player so I got both and figured I would let him choose. Well, he put on the skeleton first and wore it for a few minutes then wanted it off and said it scared him. Here's a picture of it - isn't it cute??? Oh, well. I returned it today.